8 Money Lessons Seniors Should Teach Children

Amit Sethi

Why Financial Lessons are Important?

Inculcating financial discipline at a young age will go a long way in achieving life goals.

life skill

Saving Is A Regular Exercise

Teaching children about the importance of regular savings can help build a large corpus in the long-term.

Regular Exercise

Carefully Use Debt

Teaching children about debt and its impact on budget can help them understand the importance of using money wisely.

Credit Score

Financial Goals

Teach children how to identify and achieve financial goals through planning and good monetary habits.

Financial Goals

Stay Adequately Insured

Health and life insurance are crucial for children to avoid financial hardships during emergencies.

Getting Insurance

Contingency Fund

Teaching children about the importance of having a contingency fund can help them handle future financial emergencies.

Planned Future


You can teach them to select appropriate investing instruments to ensure adequate liquidity.

Liquid Assets


Share your experiences with children to help them learn from your good or bad decisions.

Compiled By Himani Verma
